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How to Organize Your Closet For example, when you finish decluttering your bathroom, treat yourself to a manicure. When you finish decluttering your book collection, treat yourself to an afternoon of guilt-free reading. Make a decluttering playlist with your favourite songs. If you’re overwhelmed with clutter, the goal is to remove some of the clutter to make your life easier. Use your “why” to remind yourself why it will be a positive thing and of the benefits this time and effort spent decluttering will add to your life.

Decluttering doesn’t have to completely take over your life. The goal isn’t to have a Pinterest-worthy space organized with matching bins and not a single piece of clutter in sight. Decluttering is a positive thing, but it can be easy to lose sight of that when you’re overwhelmed or stressed with clutter and decluttering. If you’re overwhelmed with clutter, get really clear about what’s making you overwhelmed and what you want to change about your home.

It doesn’t have to be perfect to be making progress. It’s easy to feel like you have to declutter your entire home in one day, but that’s not realistic - or necessary. Or maybe you could take some time away from an activity, class or group for a little while and use that time to declutter instead. Then challenge yourself to do as much decluttering in that time as you can.

If you’re going to do it, you might as well do what you can to make it more fun! Remind yourself that you’re doing this to give yourself more time and space for the things you want to achieve. You might not believe that decluttering can be fun, but there are things you can do to make the process more enjoyable!

When you organize by type and then silhouette you can easily find the items that fit the occasion or the weather. The reason I prefer this, is that if you have your closet organized into wardrobe capsules, then you can hang the sweaters that correspond to that capsule with its fellow pieces. Your wardrobe is personal to you. A bespoke furniture company will usually be able to create a dressing room or walk-in wardrobe from any practical size available, but a room width or depth of at least 1.3 m is a sensible minimum to have in mind,' says Simon Tcherniak, senior designer at Neville Johnson (opens in new tab).

And one last thing related to your “why” is to be clear about what your version of a simplified, clutter-free home will look like. We all have a different version of what “enough” stuff feels and looks like for us. It takes some DIY skills, but you can easily turn it into a two-rod closet and still have plenty of storage.

Here are some of the best closet organizers on Amazon for you to browse. A woman likes to look her best at all times. If you “dress age appropriately,” it often has the effect of making you look younger - because people are not distracted by age-inappropriate clothing, and instead can appreciate what great shape you’re in, or how healthy your skin is, or what a stylish haircut you have.

If you’re overwhelmed with clutter and are in the process of trying to declutter, making an effort to stop, or at least slowdown, the amount of stuff coming into your home is essential! But sometimes making it a priority in the short-term and letting something else go in the meantime can make it feel less overwhelming. It can definitely be done in 15 minutes a day!

Instead of focusing on the hours of decluttering ahead of you, you only have to work on it for the next 10 minutes. Cooking, cleaning, eating meals together, etc. will all be easier and more pleasant when you have a clutter-free space. Decluttering doesn’t have to be this serious, boring, awful task. Decluttering is not always easy - it takes time and effort. But a timer also gives you an end time.

When the timer rings you can move on with your day. A timer is a great tool when you’re feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated. I hope these tips will help you clear the clutter and simplify your home if you’re feeling overwhelmed with clutter. I think they are hoping for a magic wand that will do the work for them, but I am sorry to say that isn’t the case. When you tackle these high-impact spaces, the benefits and evidence of your efforts will be easy to see, notice and appreciate.

When you work on decluttering your kitchen, you’ll notice and experience the benefits of your work right away. If you keep bringing more stuff in, you’ll only be adding to your overwhelm and working against your efforts to declutter. 10. Stop bringing more stuff in! Put yourself on a spending freeze, avoid the mall and stores as much as you can, unsubscribe from store emails, etc. Do whatever you need to do to stop bringing more stuff into your home whenever possible.


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