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What do I leave behind when I move?

How to Organize Your Closet However, if you follow a systematic approach (like I describe in this guide), the investment will pay off by halving your total time to get things organized, restoring order and providing practicality from this day and beyond. In order to keep your closet clean, you have to get it extra clean first. When cleaning up the clutter from your closet, you have to also work on a “store pile.” Storage can be either short-term or long-term storage.

Once you have everything removed from your closet where you can see everything, the real fun starts! You’ll need storage containers too to free up floor space in your closet so that you’ll have more room. You can organize your closet by type, by color, and by season all at once! In season towards the middle, out of season on the sides: This method works really well for standard reach-in closets.

You can also keep track of your wears by listing out every item in your wardrobe and tallying every time you wear it during a season or set amount of time. When wearing a personal uniform, you don’t usually wear the exact same piece of clothing every single morning, just the same outfit. We don’t want to become resentful over an item someone else has decided we do not need to keep.

They may be sentimental about an item because it reminds them a special event or someone they love may have given it to them. Once you have created these four piles and organized your closet items according to the action you plan to take on it, you should use this time to clean and tidy up before proceeding to the next step. Alejandra (below) has some great recommendations on how to organize your jewelry, shoes, scarves, and other times and place it in your closet using space dividers that you can purchase from any storage or organizational store.

This includes all clothes, belts, purses and bags, shoes, and even luggage. Using shoe and jewelry organizers are a great way to free up even more space by allowing you to place them into a hanging organizer for jewelry and using a shoe organizer to house your shoes in a way that allows them to be displayed. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. You are welcome to feature 1 photo on your website as long as you link back to my original blog post and properly credit me.

The purpose is to declutter and organize your closet so this means letting go of any preconceived notions that are not reality-based statements about the items you are trying to organize. Organizing your closet by color not only creates a look of organization in your closet but it can also help you to identify where you have items in the most color, the least color, and too much duplication.

Advertisers will tell you that perceived value is of much greater impact than real value. If you can use an item because you can mix and match it with some of your best career outfits, for example, you should keep it because it has real value for you. These are unusable items or items that are not of any real value.

The first step to being able to find what you are looking for. I’m looking at you prom dresses, college sweatshirts, wedding gowns, date night sweater, and grandma’s scarves you never wear. How many times can you wear pajamas before washing? Once you have designated certain items for the donation pile and you have decided which items can be salvaged and given to charitable organizations, you are left with the trash pile.

Getting this down will help to make decisions on color schemes, furniture choice (if you are buying new), decor and accessories loads more straightforward as you already have a clear idea of what look you are after. This allows you to see everything that you have so that you can start sorting through the various items to see what is worth keeping and what should be given away. But you can also combine all three methods (which is what I do).

If you opt to organize your closet by season, you can easily do this a couple different ways. There are a few things you will need to initiate the process of closet organization. Some people like to do this because it makes it easier to locate things when you are in a hurry. Some people have a problem with that because they want to keep things that they think are valuable to them.

Some people try to organize by just moving things around but this often just serves to confuse you more as to what you should keep and what you should store or give away. The “keep pile” should be composed only of things that you want to keep and that you use regularly. You need criteria to decide which ones you keep and which you discard. Now you must decide which items you should keep and which ones you should get rid of.


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