Lastly, my shoes are stored next to the front door in our entryway closet. Lesser-worn items like formal wear and out-of-season clothes should be stored toward the back and on the upper shelves. Have a separate pile for any seasonal clothes which will go into storage. If you really think you’ll lose the weight, go ahead and pack up the too-tight clothes into a storage tote and store them for now.
Now is the fun part, figuring out where everything is going to go. You know there are things you need to let go of right now so you can be truly happy, but you continue to hold onto them anyways. So all your pants are in one section, and all the black ones are next to each other. This new identity that you will take on, isn’t one who has been hurt in the past by someone.
And hiring someone to do things like mop floors and clean bathrooms is worth it. It doesn’t matter if your house is a mess simply from your son’s 4th birthday party last weekend or it’s been accumulating junk and spaghetti sauce on the floors for the past 5 weeks. The 6-Step Guide that will take you from begrudgingly sweeping your kitchen floors to being excited to clean, because after you follow the steps below, you’ll have recaptured your cleaning motivation and be well on your way to the home you’ve always dreamed you would have.
Once you’ve figured out where everything is going to go, it’s time to place them in their new home. Therefore, having your shoes organized will save you lots of time and reduce stress. Why on earth was I having such a hard time focusing on something for more than 2.7 seconds before getting distracted? This is exactly why when someone tells you, “c’mon, just get it done” it’s not your fault that you literally cannot do it.
You don’t want to get distracted and come back later. Don’t just read past this part - it’s important. Read more about how to declutter clothes. To do so, I have created a helpful series you can read here. It’s at The Container Store, in either graphite, like the one shown here or you can get it in white. Here are 4 very important things to keep in mind when picking your starting area.
The reason why you want to start by picking a microscopic task to complete is because starting with something small allows you to follow through even when you have absolutely no motivation or drive. In fact, you probably feel much more comfortable sitting in bed eating chocolate chunk ice cream and watching re-runs of Gilmore Girls because actually picking yourself up off the dust-ridden floor and getting out there and facing the mess sends you into a tizzy.
Was I sure that this room was, in fact, our living room… Tossing my hardy Norwex cleaning cloths into my cleaning bucket, I headed for the living room. A cold ripped its way through our household leaving me barely able to keep my head above the enormous landmines of laundry that swallowed up our living room. Not some place hidden away like the guest room closet. Make sure you keep up the organization in your closet in order to avoid having to do a big clean-out again in the future.
Your quick win is exactly what is going to trigger the dopamine release in your brain and make you want more of what you just did. This is your quick win. Or, you could make a goal to clean off the coffee table. Make sure it's out of sight - maybe shut in a closet somewhere. Thank you to The Closet Doctor for partnering with me! Are they kept in a box hidden away, or do they need their own shelf in your closet?
The other half is to maintain a decluttered closet. Now, think of something even smaller. For any space that is left empty, why not add some decorations like flowers, lights, or even a functional mirror? It may seem silly: why do we let our brains be hijacked by a to-do list? This is exactly why when people tell you to “just do it”, your brain won’t let you just do it.
Your brain won’t let you. Keep this in mind when buying clothes, so you’re not wasting money on items you won’t wear. That way they won’t get lost in transit. 1. Get a Clothing Rack. Decluttering your wardrobe will also help you find some forgotten clothing that you may have forgotten about. What criteria will you use to decide which clothing you will keep, discard, donate, or trash? Anything that needs to go straight to the trash.
I couldn’t think straight as I tried to think of a way to attack the mess. The reason I couldn’t just clean my house was because I was overwhelmed by the mess. The first thing to do when trying to get motivated to clean your house is to find an area to start in. While the goal of organizing is to create a system that makes it easier to find items, the goal of ruthless decluttering is to get rid of clothes that don't add value to you.
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