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How do you dress a bedroom chest of draws?

How can I make my closet look nice If you’re here, chances are you’re looking for a way to find your cleaning motivation. In a Scientific American article, Dr. Ellen Hendricksen explains that when we feel overwhelmed, our brains are incapable of functioning properly. It may seem silly: why do we let our brains be hijacked by a to-do list? Your brain won’t let you. This is exactly why when people tell you to “just do it”, your brain won’t let you just do it.

After today, the mess won’t stress you out anymore. But I do try to keep things at a minimum, I don't like dumping old things too much, I try to keep them out. I like ebags, a lot, and they compress really well. The reason why determining and accomplishing a tiny task works so well is because when we complete a task, reach a goal, or accomplish something, our brain releases dopamine.

This is why you want to find a system that works for you, not just one that looks good. The first step towards getting motivated to clean your house is to find something (an area, an object, a room) that will take you 5 minutes or less to clean from start to finish. In other words, making a goal to clean something tiny, then cleaning it, will make you feel good, and will make you want more of what you just did.

Or, you could make a goal to clean off the coffee table. Whatever your goal is, make sure it’s small and doable in one go. Another easy way to make a scented sachet is by using soap. You can also build closet shelves that double your storage space-taking your closet real estate to its full potential and storing twice as much stuff in a more organized way.

In fact, you probably feel much more comfortable sitting in bed eating chocolate chunk ice cream and watching re-runs of Gilmore Girls because actually picking yourself up off the dust-ridden floor and getting out there and facing the mess sends you into a tizzy. The reason why you want to start by picking a microscopic task to complete is because starting with something small allows you to follow through even when you have absolutely no motivation or drive.

That should get rid of some of them, but why not take it a step further? A Lifehack article states, “dopamine plays a key role in keeping us focused on our goals and motivating us to attain them, rewarding our attention and achievement by elevating our mood. I have been keeping a Pinterest board with Calming Bedroom Ideas, and that was the main source of my inspiration for this room.

The second option would be a dresser in the bedroom for items that can’t go in the closet. Then you aren’t tempted to take an item back out because on second thought you can totally upcycle that shirt into something even though you have had it for 5 years and have never done anything with it. An easy way to do this is to add a second closet rod. I hope these steps help you learn how to downsize your wardrobe and declutter clothes in a way that is simple, effective and as painless as possible!

One option is to donate the clothes to a thrift store or charity. How to store sweaters in the closet? This is the back of the closet. Use your measurements to see if everything will fit in the space you want it to, there is nothing worse than putting everything back only to realize it doesn’t fit. Whichever method you choose, be sure to leave some space between each group of clothes so that you can easily see everything.

This means if you wake up in the morning and put on a shirt and jeans, you’ve got your 2-3 clothes for the day.If you work out in the morning or go for a long walk, you might need more than two clothes. If you start to run out of room, be realistic and let it be a cue for you to identify what else you can get rid of.

Don't let that go to waste. Remember, it’s important to let your clothing have a little breathing room to keep it wrinkle-free, as well as to allow you to easily view your closet’s contents. My house is a disgusting mess and it’s overwhelming me! How was it possible for our house to become such a disgusting mess? Lindsay Williamson is a home decor and design expert who has been featured in major publications like Elle Decor, House Beautiful, and Architectural Digest.

Me, someone who loves to live in a clean home and hates messes didn’t have the motivation to clean. “There are dozens of “areas” in my home… When drowning in our to-dos (in this case, an overwhelmingly disgusting house), more times than not, we will procrastinate in a way that makes us feel like we’re still being productive, all while putting off the task we are supposed to be completing.


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